
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Today Group 1 got put into room 9 with Toni, Kellys son to teach us he told us that everyone
doesn't have to all be the same and that different is good everyone is unique in there own ways.

Then we done some work about lions, otters, beavers, and golden retrievers
Basically you had to be one of those animals judged on your personality.
If you where a lion you where a leader and brave, if you where a otter you hung out with a big
group of people and your always full of energy, if you where a golden retriever you are a very
helpful and caring person and thats the only ones there where.

Then we wrote about our choices, we wrote a future choice and todays choice for my future goal
for my one i done i hope i get a very a good job.

We also played a game where Toni said to stand up for a certain thing youve done or something
you have owned for example he said stand up if you where born in tonga.

Overall i had a really good time i cant wait till next time.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

This Morning i came to school and we where doing our Class treaty where everyone contributes in a groups work,

Later on that afternoon we had morning tea and i played on the courts, about 10 minutes after lunch we done P.E we done music and softball,

At lunch i got to explain about my bunny like the age, name so on, at lunch play the afternoon got more fun...

I hung out with Josephine and played with my bunny, A heap of people where surrounding me and Josephine + the bunny,

This afternoon we came into class and Mrs Aireen decided we will wright about our dad so this is it have a good day, 

Sincerely Chanel